Middle School Courses
- Middle School Explo — Business Technology#
- Middle School Explo — Destination Hillyards – Exploring Careers in CTE#
English Language Arts
- English Language Arts 6^
- English Language Arts 7^
- Advanced English Language Arts 7^
- English Language Arts 8^
- Advanced English Language Arts 8^
Fine Arts
- Middle School Explo — Art^
- Middle School Explo — Music^
Gifted and Talent
Gifted and Talented 6, 7, and 8^
Health and Physical Education
- Health and Physical Education 6^
- Health and Physical Education 7^
- Health and Physical Education 8^
- Mathematics 6^
- Mathematics 7^
- Advanced Mathematics 7^
- Mathematics 8^
- Algebra I^
- Science 6^
- Science 7^
- Advanced Science 7^
- Science 8^
- Advanced Science 8^
World Languages
- Exploring Language and Culture^ (6-8)
- Middle School Explo — Spanish ^ (7-8)
- Spanish I (8)
- French I (8)
Additional Electives
- Introduction to Digital Publications^ (6th Grade)
- Digital Publications I^ (7th Grade)
- Digital Publications II (8th Grade)
- Middle School Explo — PLTW#
- Middle School Explo — Agricultural Science^
- Bold course names are semester courses.
- ^ Indicates a MOCAP certified course.
- # Indicates the course is available for local SJSD students only.
Social Studies